That morning she was crying hard. The previous night had left her exhausted. Her baby was sound asleep. Everything looked peaceful and calm , but she just couldn't hold on to her tears. Her whole body was aching. Her breasts sore. " This is how life is!" exclaimed her mother. " Did you think that motherhood was a cakewalk? Every woman has to go through this. So stop crying! ." Although she was drowning in her own tears she didn't utter a word. Everyday seemed more rigorous and her body seemed to be wearing down despite of it being more than a month since she had her baby. She had no one to confide. She had thought that having a baby was all that she wanted. She had dreamt of it as just baby giggles and happy times... as picture perfect as in the ads. She had waited for this moment for so long... but now she feels like she just can't handle it anymore. She felt imprisoned by her own body and her duties. There were moments when she felt like running away.
Suddenly she could understand it completely. The woman jumping off the hospital building two days after giving birth. All those who read the newspaper article had thought she was crazy. But now it made complete sense. Complete sense!
#Alice in Realityland# Postpartum needs emotional care# It is real!
Suddenly she could understand it completely. The woman jumping off the hospital building two days after giving birth. All those who read the newspaper article had thought she was crazy. But now it made complete sense. Complete sense!
#Alice in Realityland# Postpartum needs emotional care# It is real! you have the real glass doll...made brittle with too much care...