Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Bait

I waited 

for the bait


at the bottom-most bowels of nothingness

where days drag by sluggishly,

days laden with frozen hours,

hours dripping with laboured minutes,

minutes with plodding seconds...

Lure me with 

a restive thought,

an unfinished tune,

or even a piece of shattered pain 

fading away from memory,

release me

from this deadening numbness...

Catapult me

from these desolate depths

like a stone,

that i may feel

the smothering air,

and scatter across the skies

a handful of broken stars...


  1. വളരെ നന്നായിട്ടുണ്ട്. സ്വന്തം ചിന്തകളുടെ നക്ഷത്രശകലങ്ങളെ വാരിവിതറുന്ന ഒരു അനുഭവം .....

  2. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  3. Beautiful.. I loved the restoring force in that catapult

  4. I can feel it
    The numbness
    Through the crack somewhere
    It sprout
    Then spread its roots
    Engulfing my heart
    Slowly at first
    Then tightened its grip
    As if greatly in love with me
    Had taken the Vow
    Never to leave me
    Never to let loose it's hug
    Till eternity..

  5. The quarantine bird is on it's wings...

  6. Bottom most bowels.... And the following images filled with me an eerie feeling. Very good!

  7. Beautiful and apt for the times we live in

  8. It's so touching dear... brought me away from the files..a great escape**

  9. Intense and promising. The imagery of the concluding stanza is stunning. But the first stanza, specifically the bowel line will benefit from some editing or rewriting. Congrats, Alicen, and best wishes.

  10. Thank You for critically commenting on it :)will definitely look into it.
